New Reviews: Washington Post and Washington Independent Review of Books

Thanks to Michael Dirda at the Washington Post and Mariko Hewer at the Washington Independent Review of Books for their generous reviews of my new collection, The Adventure of the Castle Thief and Other Expeditions and Indiscretions.

Michael Dirda gave a shout-out to the book in a round-up of his spring break reading, calling the title story “a restful but richly layered mystery, neatly linking the thefts to the essential nature of creative writing” and pointing out (admittedly so) that some of the other stories are a bit darker than that novella. You can read the full column here.

Mariko Hewer offered a full review, spotlighting several stories, including “The Castle Thief” as well as “Premonition” (“a marvelous capacity for drawn-out suspense”) and “Blue Plate Special” (“One of the most poignant stories in the collection”)—and she praises the whole book as “an exhilarating set of excursions and incautions, just like its title promises.” You can read that review here.

I’m grateful for the attention and generosity each critic has shown the new book—hope other readers will agree!

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