SleuthSayers: Reading Resolutions, Keeping Resolutions

For my final SleuthSayers post of the year, I look back at 2017 resolutions and sketch out possibilities for 2018 plans, with an emphasis on reading. Here’s a sample paragraph:

One resolution I always enjoy planning relates to reading instead of writing. In years past, those reading resolutions have included finishing at least four new short stories each week (2014), tackling all of Patricia Highsmith’s Ripley novels (2015), and pushing through War & Peace at the rate of one chapter a day (2016). I didn’t make such a resolution this past year (for reasons I’ll explain another time), but I’m currently considering several possibilities for 2018. The most rewarding thing about the chapter-a-day War & Peace wasn’t just that I finally completed it (after trying and failing before) but also that I felt a deeper connection with the characters by inhabiting their world for a full year—enlightening in several ways to live with a book that long. In the spirit of that plan, I’m thinking about trying Dickens’ Bleak House in 2018, and I’ve already calculated how to pace it out—basically a chapter every 4-5 days.

Read the whole post here.

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