“Two For One” in Murder, Neat

Murder, Neat: A SleuthSayers Anthology features short fiction by members of the group blog SleuthSayers, whose contributors include some of the best short story writers in the genre. Edited by Michael Bracken and Barb Goffman, the collection features 24 stories, all touching on drinking and drinking establishments of some kind—”from dive bars to wineries.”

I’m proud to be a SleuthSayers alum—not in the rotation anymore but with occasional guest posts—and so pleased to be included in the new collection. My own story, “Two for One,” follows a woman who’s wanting a little more adventure in her life—both gustatory and with gusto in romantic directions too. But as she tries to break free of some of the routines she and her boyfriend have established, will she end up biting off more than she can chew? …or to keep with the anthology’s title, end up sipping more than she can savor?

Murder, Neat is published by Level Short, an imprint of Level Best Books, and will be on sale February 13—just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Watch the SleuthSayers blog for previews of the stories—and stay tuned for a series of First Two Pages essays by several of the contributors as well, beginning on release day!

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