“Both Sides Now” Long-listed at BAMS

“Both Sides Now” from the anthology The Beat of Black Wings: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Joni Mitchell—the first story that my wife, Tara Laskowski, and I wrote together—was named among “Other Distinguished Stories of 2020” in the new anthology The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2021. Such a thrill to see our first writing collaboration get this honor!

I was also thrilled to see Linda Townsdin’s story “Re-Entry” from California Schemin’: Bouchercon Anthology 2020 included among those other distinguished stories—so great to have worked as her editor on that collection and glad that the editors of BAMS loved it as much as I did!

Congratulations to everyone included in Best American Mystery and Suspense 2021 and to all the stories long-listed as well!