Saturday, March 11 • Suffolk Mystery Author Festival

One of my personal favorite mystery author festivals is back in person this year—and I’m so excited to be part of the program again!

The Suffolk Mystery Authors Festival will take place on Saturday, March 11, in Suffolk, VA—this year at the Suffolk Conference Center, 100 East Constance Road.

The full schedule is pasted below—with a terrific line-up of authors, as you’ll see. I’m feeling privileged to be interviewing this year’s headliner, Hank Phillippi Ryan, at 1 p.m. and then participating on a short story panel at 4 p.m. alongside Shawn Reilly Simmons (our fearless moderator!), Teresa Inge, Dana King, Nan O’Berry, and Josh Pachter.

See below for more information—and hope to see you in Suffolk!

VIP Reception (PRIVATE)
Advance Tickets Required; Limited Space

$30 per person (tickets are now completely sold out!)
Includes Private Meet & Greet with Featured Authors, refreshments, souvenir ticket, and a festival swag bag full of goodies/books! 

Festival Opens to the General Public

Opening Session:

Headliner Hank Phillippi Ryan interviewed by Art Taylor

Featured Author Signings
Meet the authors and have your books signed! A limited number of books by each author will be available for purchase. Attendees are welcome to bring their own copies of books for signing. 


Making History: Writing Historical Period Mysteries

Let’s talk about carefully and precisely curating a guided mission to the past—how all the details truly matter and the challenges and joys of reveling in yesterday’s mysteries. 
MODERATOR: Ellen Butler featuring: ​Bradley Harper | Allie Marie | Stacie Murphy | Katharine Schellman | Christine Trent

Taking Care of Business: Plucky Heroes Navigating Everyday Life

OMG! They’re just like us! Except they somehow navigate work, love, and drama…and uncover the truth behind scandals and crime. 
​MODERATOR: Grace Topping featuring: ​ Gabby Allan | Karen McCullough | R. A. Muth | Amy M. Reade | Rosalie Spielman


Savory Sleuths: Food and Mysteries

These authors have perfected their palates, each savoring the dynamic ingredients of a good mystery. Learn how the best meals are served with a side of murder (and more). 
MODERATOR:​ Mindy Quigley featuring: ​ Catherine Bruns | Lynn Cahoon | Maya Corrigan | Nancy Naigle

Ripped From The Headlines: Crafting Contemporary Crime Fiction

They say art imitates life and in this case, “they” are absolutely right! With the corruption and crime running amok throughout the world, it’s easy to feel “criminally inspired!” 
MODERATOR:  Betsy Ashton​ featuring: ​ E. A. Aymar | Austin Camacho | John Gilstrap | Jeffrey James Higgins | Thomas Kies | Tara Laskowski


Make It Snappy: Creating Inventive Short Fiction

“Ain’t nobody got time for that!” Look, we all know about the effect of time poverty, but a lack of time does not mean a lack of creativity, entertainment, and inspiration. Learn how these authors concisely construct quality short fiction. 

MODERATOR: Shawn Reilly Simmons featuring: ​ Teresa Inge | Dana King | Nan O’Berry | Josh Pachter | Art Taylor

Off The Beaten Path: Mysteries in Unique Settings

Further proof that a good mystery can happen anywhere! Whether the setting is in this world, a different realm, or a place we’ve never traveled, these mysteries lure us in with their clever settings. 
MODERATOR:​ Julie Moffett featuring: ​ Paul Awad | Rebecca Hemlock | Jackie Layton | Kathryn O’Sullivan | Hunter J. Skye


Book ‘Em: Literary-Lovin’ Gumshoes

Don’t quit your day job! Or do? Let’s chat about those characters who manage to balance their “real” jobs all the while sleuthing their ways to solving mysteries. 
MODERATOR: Marni Graff featuring: ​ Victoria Gilbert | Edwin Hill | Tim Holland | Con Lehane

Women To Watch: Writing Strong Female Protagonists

We’re leading the next generation of writers and readers to a place where women are more than victims, more than a distracting plot device—they are the story. Completely. 
MODERATOR: John DeDakis featuring:  Obelia Akanke | Thomas A. Burns | Diane Fanning | K. L. Murphy | LynDee Walker

Festival Closes to the General Public