Post-Thanksgiving, and looking toward December—and what’s that just on the horizon? It’s the annual Mystery Author Extravaganza hosted by the Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime at the Reston Regional Library—and we’re back IN-PERSON this year!
The event is this Saturday, December 3, at 1 p.m., at the library: 11925 Bowman Towne Drive, Reston, Virginia. Twenty chapter authors will be sharing news about their recent work, including Donna Andrews, Kathryn Prater Bomey, Maya Corrigan, Ellen Crosby, Barb Goffman, Sherry Harris, Smita Harish Jain, Maureen Klovers, Tara Laskowski, Con Lehane, Eileen McIntire, Kathryn O’Sullivan, Susan Reiss, Frances Schoonmaker, Mary Stojak, Lane Stone/Cordy Abbott, Shannon Taft, Art Taylor (hey! that’s me!), Robin Templeton, and Cathy Wiley.
Scrawl Books will be selling books at the event—holiday shopping!—and everything is free to the public, no registration required. More information can be found at the Chessie Chapter website.
Look forward to seeing folks there!