“A Close Shave” in Black Cat Weekly

The new issue of Black Cat Weekly is out, and I’m thrilled that Barb Goffman asked to reprint my story “A Close Shave,” which had originally appeared in The Swamp Killers: A Novel in Stories, edited by E.A. Aymar and Sarah M. Chen. The story was inspired in equal parts by Ring Lardner’s story “Haircut,” the film Donnie Brasco, and the ubiquitous claims of #fakenews on social media. Here’s the write-up I offered to Barb:

Any barbershop worth its Burma Shave will give you not just a cut but a conversation too. In “A Close Shave,” that chat becomes more of a monologue—but pay attention to the quiet fellow under the bib, because he’s got an agenda of his own. Ready for a cut? Step on up—two chairs, no waiting!

The issue also features a story by Joseph S. Walker, “Last Seen Heading East”—that one selected by Michael Bracken.

You can find more about the issue here

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