SinC & CWA Events

This first couple of weeks of February has been brisk with events—fun times! And I’m looking forward to talking writing and short stories and more at two more events this week.

First, on Thursday, February 10, at 7 p.m. PST (that’s 10 a.m. where I live on the East Coast!), I’ll be chatting about short fiction with the Puget Sound Chapter of Sisters in Crime—and specifically with Alice Boatwright, who will be moderating the discussion.

And Alice is also leading the show two days later for a panel hosted by the North American Chapter of the Crime Writers Association: “Staying Published” with Cathy Ace, Sheila Lowe, Marty Wingate, and me on Saturday, February 12, at 1 p.m. PST. (That’s 4 p.m. for me, I keep reminding myself—or maybe I should just move to the West Coast?)

Looking forward to all this—and here’s a full list of upcoming events ahead too:

Thursday , February 10, 2022

Virtual Presentation: “Short, Sharp, and Suspenseful: Writing the Mystery Short Story,” Puget Sound Chapter of Sisters in Crime • Zoom, 7 p.m. PT (10 p.m. ET)

Saturday , February 12, 2022

Virtual Event: “Fiction on the Fly—for Kids” as moderator with authors and Mason MFA alums Emily Bliss and Carol Mitchell, George Mason University Homecoming • Zoom, 10 a.m. ET

Virtual Panel: “Staying Published” with Cathy Ace, Sheila Lowe, and Marty Wingate, Crime Writers Association North American Chapter Meeting (chapter members only, I believe) • Zoom, 1 p.m. PT (4 p.m. ET)

Saturday , March 5, 2022

Virtual Panel: “Story Road: Crafting Big Stories in a Short Story Format” as moderator with authors Teresa Inge, Jayne Ormerod, Shawn Reilly Simmons, and Heather Weidner, Suffolk Mystery Authors Festival • Zoom, 9 a.m. ET

Saturday , March 19, 2022

Panel: “Thrillers for a Wild Ride” as moderator with authors Yasmin Angoe, S.A. Cosby, and Vera Kurian, Virginia Festival of the Book • 2 p.m.

Friday-Sunday , April 22-24, 2022

Malice Domestic • Bethesda, MD

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