Thanks to everyone who came out for the book launch at One More Page for The Boy Detective & The Summer of ’74 and Other Tales of Suspense—such a great crowd (standing room only!) and such a fun conversation on short fiction with Amber Sparks and Tara Laskowski.

So much appreciate everyone who helped celebrate the new collection—and looking forward to more events ahead, with bookstore appearances and festival programs on the schedule in the coming months. Mark your calendars for the events below! Hope to see many friendly faces at each stop.
Thursday-Sunday, March 18-22
- Virginia Festival of the Book, 212 Ridge McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA
- Panel (as moderator): “Crime Finds a Way” with Ellen Crosby, Sara E. Johnson, Jon Sealy, and John Vercher • 2 p.m.
- Panel: “Watching the Detectives” with Cara Black, Deborah Crombie, and Meredith Doench, Ballroom B • 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
- Seminar: “Something Is Going to Happen,” High Road Festival of Poetry and Short Fiction, Embassy Suites, 460 North Cherry Street, Winston-Salem, NC • 3:45 p.m.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
- Quail Ridge Books, with Tara Laskowski, North Hills, 4209-100 Lassiter Mill Road, Raleigh, NC • 2 p.m. (Facebook Event Page)
Saturday, April 18, 2020
- Conversations and Connections, George Mason University, Arlington, VA
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
- Readings on the Pike, Arlington, VA • 7 p.m.
Friday-Sunday, May 1-3, 2020
- Malice Domestic, North Bethesda, MD
Thursday, May 28, 2020
- Fountain Bookstore with Barb Goffman, 1312 East Cary Street, Richmond, VA • 6:30 p.m.