I just received several copies of the anthology A Dark Thread, which includes a French translation of my story “Loose Strands”—and what a gorgeously produced book it is!
As I mentioned in a previous post, this collection by Mack Books includes three stories—by Ivy Pochoda, Alexander MacLeod, and me—published in conjunction with an an exhibition of works by photographer Henry Wessel at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris; the exhibition, also titled A Dark Thread, opened earlier this summer and continues through August 25. Our stories will appear later in the original English in a full collection by the same name.
This advance collection is a beauty, as I said—dark blue cloth with a silkscreen image of the photograph which was the inspiration for my own story: “Incidents 006,” now part of the collection of London’s Tate Gallery. As you can see in my own photograph of the book above, portions of the Wessel’s original image provide a faint background to my story, here titled “Des Fils Un Peu Trop Distendus.” An additional extra, pictured below: Postcards of each of the images chosen by Pochoda, MacLeod, and me are tucked into a small folder inside the rear panel of the book.
I’m grateful to Mark McCain of Artworkers Retirement Society, a great friend of Henry Wessel’s, for inviting me to be a part of this project and to to Michael Mack at Mack Books for producing such a handsome volume. And looking forward to the full collection in English later on down the road!