MWA Board Nomination

It’s official! …or at least part way toward being there, I guess. I’ve been nominated to be an at-large board member at the national level for Mystery Writers of America. The ballots are out, and let the voting begin!

Four other writers are in consideration alongside me for at-large members: Leslie Budewitz, Jeffrey Marks, Mark Pryor, and Jean Redmann. And fortunately for all, MWA members can vote for up to five of us, which means that unless the write-in candidates make a really strong showing (yikes!), all of us will be gathering together for the board orientation in mid-January.

I’m proud to be on the ballot with these fine writers, as well as with two other people: Alex Segura, who will be the at-large board member for the New York area (a specific designation), and the next MWA president, Meg Gardiner, whom I first met at Deadly Ink earlier this year and then saw again at Bouchercon. Looking forward to serving with all these folks.

Just to share, here’s my official statement on the ballot:

I’ve been a member of Mystery Writers of America since 1995, and have been very active with MWA’s Mid-Atlantic Chapter since moving to Northern Virginia in 2003. I spent several years coordinating programming for our chapter and helping to organize outreach opportunities; I’ve served as a chapter board member since 2010; and I’m currently chapter treasurer—in all cases trying as best I can to give back to an organization which has given so much encouragement and support to me as a writer. It would be an honor to serve as a board member at the national level and to contribute in a larger way to supporting MWA’s many fine programs and initiatives.

MWA members, please do vote soon!

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