“Precision” and the NY Public Library

I’m thrilled that my story “Precision” has been selected by the New York Public Library for its SimplyE app, in conjunction with its ongoing Subway Library program. The program makes short ebooks available for easy reading on iPhones, iPads, and Android devices—perfect for a commute! And I love both the new graphic they designed for the story and the blurb they came up with too:

In a house in the woods, in the middle of the night, a technician reminds himself of the rules of his trade while his client looks on, steeling herself to follow through with the rules of justice.

“Precision” was originally published in Gargoyle 61 in 2014 and was later named among “Other Distinguished Mystery Stories of 2014” in Best American Mystery Stories 2015, edited by James Patterson and Otto Penzler. So pleased with the attention this story has received!


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