SleuthSayers: Stories and Novels—and Never the Two Shall Meet?

In my most recent post at SleuthSayers, I reflect on some of Dashiell Hammett’s early short stories—including traces not only of his evolving artistry but also the seeds of some of his later characters, scenarios, and more. Here’s a sample from my post:

Take, for example, that scene from “The Whosis Kid” I mentioned above. The Op and a woman named Inés Almad and a guy named Billie are together in her apartment; then in comes the Frenchman Edouard Maurois and a fellow with a big chin (appropriately called Big Chin); and at our last stopping point the title character steps in, a black revolver in each hand. What everyone’s doing there—well, neither the reader nor the Op know at this point in the story, but the Frenchman seems to be looking for something that Inés is supposed to have—and that she claims she doesn’t but the title character does. And all through the scene, I couldn’t avoid thinking about Sam Spade, Bridgid O’Shaugnessy, Joel Cairo, Casper Guttman, and Wilmer Cook all crowding together in that pivotal scene in The Maltese Falcon.

Read the full post here.

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