Chesapeake Chapter Author Extravaganza, Part I

November and December bring two Mystery Author Extravaganzas (!) hosted by the Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime. At each meeting—one in Maryland, one in Virginia—authors from SinC’s Chessie Chapter will talk about their publications in 2017, and Mystery Loves Company Booksellers will have copies of these titles on hand—perfect timing for early holiday shopping!

The first of these events takes place Saturday, November 4, beginning at 12:30 p.m. with a meet-and-greet at the Howard County Public Library’s Miller Branch, 9421 Frederick Road, Ellicott City, Maryland. At 1 p.m., the official program begins, with participating authors including Donna Andrews, Maya Corrigan, Barb Goffman, Sherry Harris, Mary Ellen Hughes, Tara Laskowski, Alan Orloff, Kathryn O’Sullivan, Josh Pachter, Penny Clover Petersen, Susan Reiss, KM Rockwood, Verena Rose, Laura Ellen Scott, Harriette Sackler, Shawn Reilly Simmons, and me!

(And if you’re worried about the long list of authors, each of them speaking—don’t be. We’ll limited to just over 3 minutes a person, and some folks won’t even use the full amount of time.)

For additional information this meeting and the next, check out the Chesapeake Chapter’s website here.

And see you on the Saturday the 4th!

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