After a great time at this past weekend’s Suffolk Mystery Authors Festival, here’s a quick catch-up on recent appearances online as well:
- At Criminal Minds: A glimpse at my writing spaces—both on campus and at home (my campus office is the photo at the top of this post)
- At SleuthSayers: Some reflections on seeing Learning Curve, a new production from Chicago’s Albany Park Theater Project
- And thanks to to B.K. Stevens for quoting me in her own post at SleuthSayers, celebrating Alfred Hitchcock’s birthday!
Additionally, I posted on Facebook several pictures of this year’s finalists for the Agatha, Anthony, and Macavity Awards for Best First Novel and for the Anthony Award for Best Anthology or Collection. Reproducing those pictures below and so pleased to have On the Road with Del & Louise and the Bouchercon anthology I edited, Murder Under the Oaks, included among all these fine books.
Finally, a quick glance ahead at an event in late August. I’ll be joining Tara Laskowski and David Olimpio for the August edition of the Reston Readings series , Sunday, August 28, at 5:30 p.m. Reston’s Used Book Shop, 1623 Washington Plaza North, Reston, Virginia. More on that later, but mark your calendars now!