Call for Submissions: Murder Under the Oaks, the Bouchercon 2015 Anthology

Attention, fellow short story writers! I’ve been invited to edit the short fiction anthology Murder Under the Oaks for Bouchercon 2015 in Raleigh, NC—and I’d love to see lots and lots of good submissions for it! The full call for submissions can be found here—and details are pasted below. Please feel free to share widely with your own writing friends and community! — Art Taylor

Call for Submissions

Bouchercon 2015 invites you to submit a short story for an anthology, Murder Under the Oaks, to be published by Down & Out Books for Bouchercon 2015, October 8-11, 2015, in Raleigh, North Carolina.

The theme is: Murder Under the Oaks.

Bouchercon 2015 Chair Stacey Cochran is proud to announce that Agatha, Macavity, and Derringer Award-winning short story writer Art Taylor will be the editor for Murder Under the Oaks. Art is generously contributing his time and talents, and we are very grateful for his participation in this exciting project. Please do not submit stories to Art Taylor directly.

Authors will be notified when the final selections have been made. Also, an announcement will be made on the Bouchercon 2015 website in early June 2015.

Anthology authors will receive one contributor’s copy, and be invited to participate in a signing at the convention.

Profits from the anthology will go to Wake County, NC libraries.


  • Anyone can submit a story; you needn’t register for the convention.
  • Deadline for submission is midnight March 1, 2015.
  • Submit your story as an email attachment, in Word doc or docx, to:


  • The email subject line should read:
    [your last name goes here], Anthology Submission, [title of story goes here].  For example: Smith, Anthology Submission, Deadly Acorns
  • All author contact information must be in the cover email only. Include:
    • your real name,
    • your pen name (if you want the story to be published under a different name),
    • your address,
    • phone number,
    • preferred e-mail address,
    • and word count for the story.
  • There should be no identifying information anywhere on the story.
  • Stories must be original, not previously published anywhere else.
  • One story submission per person.

 Manuscript Guidelines:

  • Stories should be between 3,500 and 5,500 words.
  • Use a standard font such as Courier or Times New Roman at 12 pt size; no fancy fonts or formatting, please. Italicize (don’t underline) words that are to be italicized.
  • Indent the first line of new paragraphs by one-half inch, using paragraph setup for the first line, not the space key. Do not use the tab key anywhere in the document.
  • Denote scene breaks with five asterisks: *****
  • Double-space with one-inch margins on all sides.

Questions? Contact
