New Fiction: “With Marshmallows, Of Course” at The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts and Patti Abbott’s “Eyes Open” at Beat to a Pulp

I’m grateful to have another new story — a piece of very very short fiction — just published at Matter Press’s Journal for Compressed Creative Arts. Check out the one-paragraph “With Marshmallows, Of Course” here. And thanks so much to editor Randall Brown — a master of compressed fiction himself! — for giving this one a home.

I’m also thrilled to point folks toward another terrific short story writer, Patricia Abbott, and to thank her for paying me a fine compliment. Patti mentioned a while back that one of my stories (“Locked Out” in last fall’s Plots With Guns) had sparked an idea for a short story of her own — and that subsequent story, “Eyes Open,” clearly ups the ante on both the stakes and the tension in provocative and unsettling ways. “Eyes Open” recently appeared in the online journal Beat to a Pulp — and after you’re done reading that one, do also check out Abbott’s own contribution to that earlier issue of Plots With Guns, “The Proper Training,” equally fine.

And speaking of all that, thanks to anyone checking in here for your patience with my seeming self-centeredness in recent months. The last thing I’d intended was for this blog to become solely a place to tout my own publications; always wanted to celebrate others with equal enthusiasm. But with recent personal developments (a new baby!), I’d fallen down here on keeping up with wider posts and possibilities. Hope to continue remedying that, beginning today with that shout-out to Patti’s stories! — Art Taylor

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