The new issue of Mystery Scene has just arrived, and with it comes a treasure trove of interesting features for fans of mystery, crime and suspense. Highlights for me include: a profile of Jill Paton Walsh, who’s been continuing the Lord Peter Wimsey novels; a look at “Killer Covers” by J. Kingston Pierce (who also runs a weekly, classic version of that feature over at The Rap Sheet); Craig McDonald’s reflections on his new book One True Sentence, which reimagines Hemingway’s Moveable Feast “as a historical thriller”; and Lawrence Block on two masters of mystery: a longer reflection on Evan Hunter/Ed McBain and a short appreciation of “Agatha Christie, Artful Stylist.” And speaking of Christie, one of her characters — Rosy Legge, a dancer from The Body in the Library — appears in Louis Phillips’ column, surveying several “aptonyms” from the Golden Age.
I’m pleased to have an article of my own among the mix. “Deadline! Journalists in Crime Movies” looks at the similarities between reporters and detectives and surveys a few fine crime films that feature journalists in leading roles — ranging from His Girl Friday (1940) to All the President’s Men (1976) to the recent and upcoming adaptations of Stieg Larsson’s Girl with a Dragon Tattoo. And wasn’t there some moderately successful film about a reporter trying to solve the mystery of a dying man’s last word….?

Happy reading — and if you take my advice on these films, happy watching too! — Art Taylor