Who’s Talking on WCHL?

Well… I am. And this post, combined with the last one, only proves how quickly a blog reverts to navel-gazing and self-aggrandizement.

Back on Sept. 16, I was a guest on “Who’s Talking with D.G. Martin,” a daily radio show on WCHL in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. D.G. Martin is a good friend and a fine supporter of North Carolina Literature. In addition to his own writings (including a regular column for Our State Magazine), D.G. is also the host of North Carolina Bookwatch on UNC-TV, the local PBS affiliate. He recently asked me to join him on “Who’s Talking” for a chat about new North Carolina fiction — particularly focused on some of the books I’d chosen for recent columns of Metro Magazine, including novels by Clyde Edgerton, John Hart, Margaret Maron, and newcomer William Conescu, among others.

A podcast of our talk has just been posted on the WCHL web site and is available here. 

— Art Taylor

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